A generalized form of the Pauli exclusion principle gives insight into the quantum wave function describing multiple electrons.

Viewpoint: Pauli Principle, Reloaded



Pauli’s exclusion principle says two identical fermions cannot be in the same quantum state. In recent years, physicists have discovered a more general form of the principle that puts additional mathematical constraints on the quantum wave function describing multiple fermions.

どういう話かというと,N粒子スレイター波動関数について,N-1個のフェルミオンについて部分トレースを取ることでnatural occupation number λを定義し,λに課される拘束条件について考察する話らしい。高次元空間でλが張る図形は,polytopeと呼ばれるものになるらしい。基底状態について各λで指定される点は,このpolytopeに含まれなければならない。
フェルミオン間の相互作用をパラメータとし,それを準静的に変化させたときのλ空間での軌跡がどうなるか,A. Klyachko, arXiv:0904.2009 (2009)で調べられたりもしている:

The authors study a simple physical model: a number of fermionic particles that interact and move around in a harmonic potential(略) Within their model, they can also turn a “knob,” which is the strength of the fermion-fermion interaction. (略)The path the occupation numbers trace out as the interaction strength changes hugs very close to the boundary of the allowed region defined by the facets of the polytope.


Klyachko supposes that the generalized Pauli constraints might be the constraints responsible for restricting the ground-state energy.

ありそうな話に思えるが,実はそうじゃないよ,というのがこの記事が取り上げてる論文(C. Schilling, D. Gross, and M. Christandl, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 040404 (2013))の主張の一つということ。

Using analytic calculations, the authors found that the natural occupation numbers in their model do not lie exactly on a facet of the allowed polytope.(略)it does imply that in the given model, one cannot think of the Pauli constraints as a wall where nature gets stuck while minimizing energy.
