
As a part of job-hunting activity, I visited a software building company, whose keyword is mathematics and computer science. The company aims at problems not only in science but also in society - As you know, mathematics is a very universal tool for the human being.
The company is literally SME, small and medium-sized enterprise, embracing no more than 100 people in, but apparently the employees' skills are very sophisticated. They gave me brochures including papers the employees had wrote. After some explanation, we had tests on maths and English, which reminded me of the examination in my undergraduate days. Interestingly, the English text was an interview to the Knuth, who is famous for being the father of TeX! I saw the climate of geek everywhere.
The number of the participants to the seminar was approximately 70. Their seminar has been held before and will be held several times in the future. They announced that they will hire not more than 10 persons. I bet that's a cutthroat competition.