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Michael Pritchard: How to make filthy water drinkable | Video on TED.com

Today I want to talk about water. especially, water issues in developing countries. here, i introduce the video i watched. the talker is Michael Pritchard.
One of what motivated him to tackle water problem was a news program he watched on TV. Mainly southeast Asian countries were totally destroyed by the tsunami after the earthquake on 2004. And people were suffering from thirst. People have no other choice but to drink very dirty and contaminated water, and after drinking it they suffered from diarrhea and some died. The other motivated him was that the Hurricane Katrina destroyed the side of America. He thought aid will be soon provided to help them. Because America is the "First World country." But it didn't. It took 5 days before people got clean water.
He soon decided to invent what is named "life saving bottle" today. And after few months he made it.

Lifesaver bottles have filters with tiny holes. These holes are small enough not to let any pathogens get through. So after getting through the filter, dirty water become clean. In the presentation he showed how the lifesaver bottle works in an experiment. You know, an experiment is a good way to make the audience understand how it works.

His invention is one solution to the water problem. Preparing water supply costs very much and long time. But his idea gave very different approach to the problem: each people generate clean water.

What's great about his invention is that it is useful not only in the case of disaster. Have you ever heard the word BOP? BOP is short for "the base of the pyramid." The word usually means those who earn less than 30 dollars a year.